Make Good Things Happen

Parent Carer Cafe Buckfastleigh

Our first drop in sessions for parents of children with SEND went amazingly.

So many wonderful things came out of the two sessions; firstly, the creation of a Parent Carer Café in Buckfastleigh on the 1st Tuesday and 2nd Monday of every month. This will be an inviting chilled space for parents to come to swap knowledge, advice and support. Come as much or as little as you can and stay for however long you want.

There was also some amazing discussions around how parents could support each other including siblings and young carers as well as practical ideas like a library of resources that families donate to and access for free.

There were great conversations around what is activities and events families can attend with their children; whether it is SEND sessions at Buckfastleigh Pool or specific activities put on by Hello Summer or attending community events like the Saturday Super Socials altogether.

There are so many good things happening out of this group; we cannot wait to see where it leads.