I absolutely love my job at Better Places, I feel so lucky to enjoy what I do everyday and to get so much out of it. Before I started working for Better Places I was actually a volunteer at their Early Years Project (Little Lambs); and working for Better Places has not stopped my volunteering for them. I am so inspired by the work we do and how we can reflect and react to our community needs; Better Places is also very open to suggestions and because of this I have been able to start a Lego Club on Wednesdays after school; which I voluntarily run.
It was only the second week this week but to see the children so excited to return and build more creations has been amazing. It is so heart-warming to see them engage with the friends that they are making. We have had children from lots of schools represented; Buckfastleigh Primary, St. Mary’s Buckfast, Dartington and Glendinning Academy, as well as home educated children. It is great to see these children with similar interests who would never normally get the opportunity to socialise make connections.
The Lego Club is also a wonderful space for parents to get together and meet other members of the community that they would not normally; it is great to separate the barriers that are naturally created in society (whether it is schools, work or simply postcodes) and bring us all together.
This is at the heart of what Better Places does.