This Christmas our four day events will be organised by the wonderful Participate arts. And BOOKING WILL BE ESSENTIAL.
Hello Christmas will be four days of festive family fun and food! Arts and crafts, music and games.
Suitable for ages 4-12.
Each day there will be different activities. Tickets available for mornings, afternoons and lunches.
We ONLY have funding from HAF for these sessions and therefore ONLY HAF eligible children from across Devon and a small number of others (see restrictions) will have FREE tickets.
FREE HAF tickets for Free School Meal Families and their friends* from anywhere in Devon. For the criteria of HAF buddies – please see the event description on Eventbrite.
There will however be a number of PAID tickets available – see Eventbrite.
NEW: Paid tickets available for those not eligible, at just £5 per AM or PM session and £5 delicious warm Lunch- PAY CASH ON DOOR. Ticket will state FREE on Eventbrite, you need to pay cash on the door when you arrive. If your child is attending for half day + lunch that’s £10, for a whole day + lunch that’s £15.
All tickets will be on a first come first served basis via Eventbrite. This year we are also offering paid Lunches to Adults at just £5- remember to book a Lunch ticket for each person attending.
*You must book a ticket for each activity and lunch session your child attends, whether it is a Free or Pay on Door ticket.
*HAF Participants- It is essential to fill in your child’s HAF code to secure your free place. If you qualify for MEANS TESTED free school meals but do not have a HAF code, please email haf@devon.gov.uk to be issued with a code.
To qualify for lunch your child must attend at least one activity session per day.
For more information on the Holiday activities and Food programme, please click the following link:
More programme details coming soon.
For queries please contact participateartsltd@gmail.com.