Make Good Things Happen

Family Survey

Complete our family survey by 30 January 2022 and get a free book in return!

Be Buckfastleigh are planning an exciting new programme of support and activity sessions for parent(s)/carer(s) and their children.  To make this as useful as possible, we need to hear from you about the sort of events that would be most helpful for you and your family.

We are anticipating hosting a range of face to face and online events, with a view to getting these new sessions up and running for April 2022.

This is why we are asking all of our Buckfastleigh parents to complete a short survey (*) so that we can plan the sessions that will be most useful to you. In return, we will be giving away FREE brand new children’s books as a thank you for your time.

We are wanting your ideas about: antenatal support; support sessions and activities for parents/carers with new babies; parent ‘skill shine’ sessions on various topics including promoting language development and social development in children under 3 years; and childcare access/issues, among others.

Hard copies of the survey are available from The Living Room on Fore Street. Alternatively you can complete the survey online by clicking HERE.

If you have any questions about the survey or the new early years programme that we are developing, please do get in touch at or pop into The Living Room, 55 Fore Street, Buckfastleigh, TQ11  0BS

(*) Data Protection
All of the information that you provide will be treated as confidential and will only be used for research purposes. Your comments will not be identified as belonging to you, instead they will be combined with those gathered from other survey participants, and will be analysed as part of a group. We do not use any of the information you provide for direct marketing or other non-research activities. If we ask you for personal information that enables you to be identified – e.g. your name, e-mail address or telephone number, we will clearly state why we are asking for it and for your permission to use it for that purpose. For example, to contact you for follow-up research. Your participation is voluntary. You are entitled to ask that part, or all, of the record of your involvement in the survey be deleted or destroyed. Survey results can sometimes highlight areas where we would like to know more. This can be because the responses from a particular group were unusual in some way, or because we would like to explore your answers in more detail. We may contact you to invite you to take part in a follow-up study but participation is completely optional.