The Early Years project sessions start on 4th April and run for 12 weeks (during term time only). The sessions will stop during the Easter holidays and resume afterwards.
They are stay and play sessions, so every child attending needs to be accompanied by a parent or carer at all times during these sessions.
What is on offer:
You will have access to:
-Other local families!
-Infant self-weigh facilities provided by the Public Health Nursing Team
– Early Years Professionals
– Devon County Council representatives (information on Early Years funding)
– Action for Children (information regarding supporting children’s development
– The opportunity to get involved in the running of groups on other days/times
Session schedule:
A full, detailed schedule of the sessions over the first 12 weeks will be made available soon, and families can pick and choose which groups/sessions they want to attend. You will just need to register your attendance at each one.
The only session that needs booking in advance is the Baby Massage course on a Thursday morning. There will be two 5 week courses, each with 6 spaces (12 in total). Register your interest at
Refreshments will be provided, but it remains the responsibility of the parent/carer to consider any dietary requirements that they or the child have.
Any questions or initial feedback to