Make Good Things Happen

Become a BeBuckfastleigh Member for free!

Click on the link to become a Be Buckfastleigh member!

Join for yourself and your children (one membership per person), and save yourself time & hassle when you arrive at any of our events and workshops. Fill in the form and you will be given a membership number (and card) which you can then use to sign up for events on the day.
We have to collect a lot of data for our funders, for safeguarding, insurance, etc., and we have now made it easier for you, so that with the Be Buckfastleigh membership, you only have to give us that information once!
Another benefit of becoming a Be Buckfastleigh member is that we can keep you informed of all our upcoming events and workshops as soon as we announce them.
This data collection really helps us to keep raising the money to provide as many of our activities for FREE as we can, so THANK-YOU for joining!