Make Good Things Happen

A Pool Through Time Exhibit

As Charlotte Pulfer’s A Pool Through Time Exhibit comes to a close we want to say thank you to all the hundreds of you that have come down to the Living Room to view her beautiful artwork and see the lovely memories of our community. It has been wonderful to see everyone’s reactions and to hear their wonder as they engage with the photos from the opening of the pool.

It is demonstrated even more clearly how much the pool means to Buckfastleigh and just how many memories are entwined with it.

A huge thank you of course to Charlotte for letting us show her amazing work. Also, to Buckfastleigh Pool, the Valiant Soldier Museum Archive, Ashburton Arts Centre, Gaby Lovatt, Becci Eriksson, Graham Squires, Ray Staines and our wonderful local community for all your stories and images.